This website is a work in progress. Go to for the production website or take a look at the Migration Status.

[gPhoto logo]Links

Here is a list of useful links for gPhoto users and developers:

There are many digital camera related resources at
Also check out the Usenet News discussion group

For Linux USB setup information, check the Linux USB website and the Linux USB Guide.

Also checkout the Kodak Digital Camera HOWTO.

SANE stands for 'Scanner Access Now Easy' and is an application programming interface (API) that provides standardized access to raster image scanner hardware.

USB Sniffers for Windows

  • USBLyzer - best current product. Commercial, with a 30 day free trial.
  • SnoopyPro - another Windows USB snoop tool.
  • Wireshark - the opensource network and USB sniffer. (Linux users: modprobe usbmon to enable USB sniffing)
  • USBPcap - opensource USB capture utility for Windows (stores traces in PCAP format for later e.g. Wireshark usage)

Digital camera review/resources

Free software related to digital images

Vendor packages

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